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The American Dental Political Action Committee (ADPAC) gives dentists a voice!  Through the financial contributions of member dentists, ADPAC supports congressional candidates who understand the importance of dentistry and its contribution to overall health. Regardless of party affiliation, ADPAD supports candidates who will advocate for dentists and patients.  ADPAC also works with dentists who seek public office at the local, state, and national levels.

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Welcome from the ADPAC Chair

On behalf of the American Dental Political Action Committee (ADPAC), I am pleased to welcome you to the ADPAC homepage. 

ADPAC is a bipartisan PAC that truly believes in the old adage “We Help Those Who Help Us”; regardless of party affiliation.

Your PAC gives dentists a voice in the public policy arena on behalf of your practice, your patients and your profession. It is our most powerful resource in making a difference in Washington.
Your ADPAC Board is committed to providing complete transparency to our members regarding PAC financial information, activities and accomplishments.

This website shows the many different aspects of ADPAC and why it is important for you to become a contributing member. The ADPAC Board needs your commitment in order for us to achieve our goal of becoming the largest healthcare PAC in the U.S.

ADPAC gives dentists “One Voice United” in Washington, D.C. Thank you for your continued support, allowing us to continue promoting growth and advancing the future of dentistry.

Dr. Brad Barnes

ADPAC Chairman